How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Yard Clean Up Service?


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Yard Clean Up Service Costs

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You can do a lot for your curb appeal by keeping your yard neat and clean. If your lawn is filled with debris, dry leaves, fallen branches, or other items, it can become an eyesore for your neighbors and even for your own family. Yard cleanup should be done in the spring to prepare for summer, and again in the fall to make sure that all the leaves are cleaned up before winter strikes. Fall cleanup makes spring cleanup easier, after all.

Yard cleanup is a broad term. How big is your yard? What kind of trees, shrubs, and other landscaping is in place? Most cleanup crews and individuals will offer a la carte services or provide a flat-rate estimate based on the work that needs to be done.

Yard Cleanup: hourly and flat-rate services, leaf removal, weed maintenance or removal, debris and trash cleanup, trimming trees and pruning shrubs.

Item Cost
Landscape labor $45-$70 per hour
Mulch $0.50-$1.00 per square foot
Debris haul away $100-$500
Overall Full-Service Cost $200-$1,200

Other considerations and costs

  • Leaf blowing is the most affordable option for leaf removal. Hand-removal methods like raking cost a little more and vacuum or mulching services will usually be the most expensive.
  • Last-minute cleaning jobs don’t provide a lot of time to find the most affordable rates, which is why most people with urgent jobs may pay as much as double what it costs for a regular cleanup job.
  • You can save money on disposal by creating a compost heap with the leaves and other compostable debris.

DIY considerations

  • The tools required to do your own yard work cost less than $100, for basic equipment. If you are willing to do the labor, you can save money.
  • Landscaping mulch and other products are priced by the square foot, so make sure you measure and buy the right amount of materials.
  • Some companies may offer one-time flat-rate services that are worth saving the hassle of doing the work yourself.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Websites.
How much does it cost to hire a yard clean up service in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$1,124
  • Bronx, NY$924
  • Brooklyn, NY$770
  • Philadelphia, PA$961
  • Washington, DC$834
  • Atlanta, GA$754
  • Miami, FL$686
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$719
  • Minneapolis, MN$843
  • Chicago, IL$982
  • Houston, TX$1,013
  • San Antonio, TX$680
  • Austin, TX$770
  • Denver, CO$651
  • Phoenix, AZ$686
  • Las Vegas, NV$753
  • Los Angeles, CA$849
  • San Diego, CA$770
  • San Jose, CA$930
  • Seattle, WA$681

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: