How Much Does It Cost To Seed A Lawn?


(1,000-2,000 square feet lawn)
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Lawn Seeding Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Lawn Care & Gardening      Lawn Seeding Costs

Lawn seeding is usually done along with other landscaping work, but it can be done as a standalone service for those who need it. The cost to seed a lawn depends on the size of the lot and its accessibility. The type of terrain and grass seed chosen will also impact costs, as well as the labor rate of the landscaper and the way the grass seed is applied.

Grass lawn seeding by hand is the most common method. Larger lawns or lots might be seeded with a manual push-behind seeder or a trailer grass seeder, which can add a premium cost to the service. You can compare costs for lawn seeding by lawn size, or look at unit cost installations by grass type, which are both compared in the tables below.

Lawn seeding: by typer and per pound.

Item Unit Cost
Kentucky Bluegrass $5-$6 per pound
Sun and Shade mixed-grass $5 per pound
Northeast grass seed $3-$4 per pound


Lawn seeding: per yard size.

Item Total Cost
1000 square feet or less $100-$180
1,000-2,000 square feet $250-$275
2,000-3,000 square feet $425-$475
3,000-4,000 square feet $525-$600


Other considerations and costs

  • Lawn seeding takes varying amounts of grass seed depending on the materials used. For example, you may only need 6 pounds of Sun and Shade seed for a 1,000-foot lawn, but you would need to use 10 pounds of Ryegrass for the same space. That’s why it is priced per pound.
  • In order to seed a lawn properly, you can’t just toss down the seed and add water. You need first to test the soil pH to ensure that it’s good for growing the grass that you want. You may also have to pay for the removal of old grass, clumps, rocks, and other debris before the new seed is planted. Therefore, you may want to leave this to a professional to ensure that the work is done properly.
  • Aeration might be recommended to help the soil and improve the likelihood that the grass will grow well. This is a process that will incur an additional cost, but you may also be able to do it yourself with the right equipment.

DIY considerations

  • You may save a few hundred dollars by doing the work yourself since the cost of grass seed is rather minimal. However, if you don’t have the appropriate tools for soil maintenance and prep, you won’t get the best growth results.
  • You can rent landscaping tools and equipment from your local home improvement retailer or equipment rental and supply store to get the job done.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to seed a lawn in your city?
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Cost by city

(1,000-2,000 square feet lawn)
  • New York, NY$418
  • Bronx, NY$343
  • Brooklyn, NY$286
  • Philadelphia, PA$357
  • Washington, DC$310
  • Atlanta, GA$280
  • Miami, FL$255
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$267
  • Minneapolis, MN$313
  • Chicago, IL$365
  • Houston, TX$376
  • San Antonio, TX$253
  • Austin, TX$286
  • Denver, CO$242
  • Phoenix, AZ$255
  • Las Vegas, NV$280
  • Los Angeles, CA$315
  • San Diego, CA$286
  • San Jose, CA$346
  • Seattle, WA$253

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: