How Much Does It Cost To Refinish Countertops?


(Varies by material type)
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Refinish Countertop Costs

Indoor Cost Guides      Custom Countertops      Refinish Countertop Costs

Whether or not you have thought about refinishing a countertop instead of replacing it, the concept has to be taken into consideration. After all, a countertop replacement may cost as much as $35-$500 per square foot. On the other hand, a repair has a total cost of $500, or less, in most instances.

Materials and labor may enable a homeowner to have a professional refinish the countertops and save thousands while improving the looks of the kitchen. If the idea of cost efficiency appeals greatly to you, it is a good idea to learn more about refinishing the countertops before beginning a full replacement.

The factors that impact the cost of such a project vary but focus a lot on the materials of the original countertop, the complexity of the work, and the availability of skilled experts who know how to make the most of the opportunity.

Refinish a countertop: by material type, labor (6 hours, $33-$100 per hour) included in the cost, 30 sq.ft. of countertop.

Item Cost
Laminate countertop $300-$900
Mable, slate or granite countertop $300-$1,200
Solid surface countertop $300-$900
Tile countertop $350-$850
Wood countertop $300-$900


Other considerations and costs

  • Not all refinish or resurface projects are the same. To handle stone means polishing and resealing, but might also necessitate filling cracks and removing stains. Marble countertops may require repairs and polishing, while solid surface (think Corian) may need costly sanding, crack and chip filling and stain or burn removal. They are not sealed or resealed, which is why they cost less to refinish. Tile can be tricky to refinish if pieces are missing or broken. Usually replacing grout and resealing is necessary. Laminate is easily replaced and refinished, but it can be difficult to find the right materials.
  • Refinishing may mean the use of epoxy when it is laminate, tile and certain faux stone materials, and this is the most costly at more than $400 in some instances.
  • Refinishing is a good time to consider the addition of a sink.

DIY considerations

  • It is best if you work with experts who can help you to determine if a refinish, repair or full-blown replacement is best. Contractors are an ideal resource when it is a refinish rather than a full-blown replacement of a countertop of any kind.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to refinish countertops in your city?
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Cost by city

(Varies by material type)
  • New York, NY$1,205
  • Bronx, NY$990
  • Brooklyn, NY$825
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,029
  • Washington, DC$893
  • Atlanta, GA$808
  • Miami, FL$735
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$770
  • Minneapolis, MN$903
  • Chicago, IL$1,052
  • Houston, TX$1,085
  • San Antonio, TX$729
  • Austin, TX$825
  • Denver, CO$697
  • Phoenix, AZ$735
  • Las Vegas, NV$807
  • Los Angeles, CA$910
  • San Diego, CA$825
  • San Jose, CA$997
  • Seattle, WA$730

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: