How Much Does It Cost To Repair An Aluminum Or Steel Fence?


(Varies by type of repair)
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Aluminum and Steel Fence Repair Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Fences & Gates      Aluminum and Steel Fence Repair Costs

Metal fencing only sounds unattractive, and it can actually be quite aesthetically appealing. This is why aluminum and steel fencing is such a popular option. However, even though it is made of highly durable materials, it can succumb to damages of all kinds. When there is a need for aluminum and steel fence repair, it is vital to understand what sorts of repairs are possible and what to expect in terms of average costs.

Aluminum and steel fence repair: by type of repair for 10 linear feet of fence.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Welding aluminum or steel fencing $30 10 $300
Replace a post $80 each 2 $160
Replace a panel of fencing $8-$20 per linear foot 10 $80-$200
Fixing a railing $15-$70 per linear foot 10 $150-$700
Fixing a post $100-$450 each 2 $200-$900


Other considerations and costs

  • Most metal fencing is set with cement footings, and to repair a fence of any kind may mean removing the old footing and pouring a new one. This is usually a task done at an hourly rate of $40 to $60 per hour.
  • Both aluminum and steel fence repairs may also mean painting a fence, which can be quite expensive because of the high amount of prep work required. For example, it will need to be cleaned of all paint, washed and have rust removed and then the actual painting. Most find that costs average $10 per linear foot.

DIY considerations

  • This is a project that can require welding, sanding, painting, and more. It is not a DIY project at any sort of level, and if mistakes are made it may mean calling in the expert to now do repairs on the DIY repairs and the original problems. Because of that, it is best to just get in touch with experts right from the start.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to repair an aluminum or steel fence in your city?
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Cost by city

(Varies by type of repair)
  • New York, NY$787
  • Bronx, NY$647
  • Brooklyn, NY$539
  • Philadelphia, PA$673
  • Washington, DC$584
  • Atlanta, GA$528
  • Miami, FL$480
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$503
  • Minneapolis, MN$590
  • Chicago, IL$688
  • Houston, TX$709
  • San Antonio, TX$476
  • Austin, TX$539
  • Denver, CO$455
  • Phoenix, AZ$480
  • Las Vegas, NV$527
  • Los Angeles, CA$594
  • San Diego, CA$539
  • San Jose, CA$651
  • Seattle, WA$477

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: