How Much Does It Cost To Install Xeriscaping?


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Xeriscaping Costs

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Much like other kinds of landscaping, xeriscaping has a wide range of potential costs, depending on your vision and exactly what you want out of your project. Hardscaping, plants, an irrigation system, and other factors will all go into determining the total cost of a xeriscaping project. The size of the yard that is being done and customized features will also affect the total budget. This type of project is usually done to assist with water conservation and lowering water costs, while still providing a beautiful lawn.

When costing a xeriscaping project, you will need to consider your design and plan, including the services of a professional landscaper to assist you. You will also need to factor in the cost of any grading or excavation, demolition or removal of existing landscaping, and additional materials that may be needed to complete the job.

Xeriscaping: 1,200 sq.ft. yard space.

Item Cost
Materials: $9-$11 per square foot $1,080-$1,320
Design consultation $100
Landscape design plan $500-$8,000
Excavation and grading $860-$2,200
Labor Cost: approximately 7-9 hours of work at $55 per hour $385-$495
Cleanup and debris removal $200-$500
Total Cost $3,125-$12,615

Other considerations and costs

  • Consider adding a rainwater harvesting system to your irrigation system. This will help you save even more water and further reduce your reliance on the main city water supply.
  • A lot of cities are paying residents to get rid of lawns in the form of rebates, so be sure to check about ways that you can save when you’re ready to upgrade your landscaping.
  • This estimate does not include taxes or permits. Permit requirements vary by location so check with your landscaper before work begins.
  • Landscaping costs are higher in major cities, and usually cheaper in rural areas. While these numbers are a national average, you can find your exact range by narrowing down where you are located.
  • While xeriscaping might cost slightly more than traditional landscaping or lawn installation, it offers lower maintenance and it also requires much less water usage. Overall, it’s one of the best long-term solutions for an affordable, eco-friendly lawn.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • Xeriscaping work involves a lot of heavy lifting and labor. You may be able to assist with certain design elements or take care of the finishing touches, but you should always hire a professional crew to handle the major parts of your project.
  • If you want to save money, you can remove existing landscaping, lawn, or land that is going to need to be moved for the new xeriscaping. That can reduce your labor costs significantly.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY and arborist Web sites.
How much does it cost to install xeriscaping in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$12,642
  • Bronx, NY$10,388
  • Brooklyn, NY$8,658
  • Philadelphia, PA$10,801
  • Washington, DC$9,373
  • Atlanta, GA$8,480
  • Miami, FL$7,713
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$8,079
  • Minneapolis, MN$9,478
  • Chicago, IL$11,043
  • Houston, TX$11,390
  • San Antonio, TX$7,646
  • Austin, TX$8,657
  • Denver, CO$7,315
  • Phoenix, AZ$7,717
  • Las Vegas, NV$8,470
  • Los Angeles, CA$9,544
  • San Diego, CA$8,661
  • San Jose, CA$10,461
  • Seattle, WA$7,659

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: