How Much Does It Cost To Stain A Deck?


(500 sq.ft.)
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Deck Staining Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Decks, Patios & Porches      Deck Staining Costs

Staining a deck can add a lot of life back into a worn space, and without a huge expense. In fact, even with the prep work and finishing required, deck staining is actually rather affordable. The exact cost of deck staining will vary based on the size of the deck in question, whether you are sealing or waterproofing with the stain, and how much sanding is required prior to applying the new coat of stain.

Deck staining: by deck size, total cost

Size Cost
200 square feet $500
500 square feet $800
1,000 square feet $1,100

The table below breaks down the average cost of deck staining. To find an estimated project total based on these averages, multiply the square footage of your deck by the total project cost.

Item Cost
Stain: about 250 square feet of coverage $30 per gallon
Power sanding, stain, and seal $2-$4 per square foot
Light sanding, stain, seal (for decks in better condition) $1.50-$3.00 per square foot
Power Washing $0.15 per square foot
Rails, spindles, gates, etc. $4 per linear foot

Other considerations and costs

  • Staining should be done in combination with some type of sealing or waterproofing, not instead of it. Plan to have both treatments done at the same time in order to save on labor costs and avoid damage to the wood.
  • If you are hiring a contractor, you will need to compare the hourly rates and overall estimates that you get to find the right person for the job. Make sure that you have them perform a visual estimate so that your costs are as close to exact as possible.
  • Some companies may charge a premium or separate charge for staining rails, spindles, and other details on your deck. This is where a visual estimate comes in handy, because, otherwise, they might not tell you about these additional charges until they show up to do the job.

DIY considerations

  • Deck staining can be done by someone with basic handy skills, so long as all the steps in the process are followed accordingly. Keep in mind that if you choose to do the work yourself, you will need to consider possible equipment rentals, such as a power-washer to prep the surface, as well as rollers, stain, and other material costs. You won’t, however, have to pay for labor.
  • There is a difference between sealing or staining your deck. Waterproofing is an additional step, as well. Make sure that you know what each does and which step you are actually looking to complete.
  • While you can do this project on your own, note that it can be very time-consuming for DIY projects.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to stain a deck in your city?
Enter your zip code to get estimates

Cost by city

(500 sq.ft.)
  • New York, NY$1,285
  • Bronx, NY$1,056
  • Brooklyn, NY$880
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,098
  • Washington, DC$953
  • Atlanta, GA$862
  • Miami, FL$784
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$821
  • Minneapolis, MN$963
  • Chicago, IL$1,122
  • Houston, TX$1,158
  • San Antonio, TX$777
  • Austin, TX$880
  • Denver, CO$744
  • Phoenix, AZ$784
  • Las Vegas, NV$861
  • Los Angeles, CA$970
  • San Diego, CA$880
  • San Jose, CA$1,063
  • Seattle, WA$779

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: