How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Snow Removal Service?


(per hour)
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Snow Removal Service Costs

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There are many methods for snow removal, which is just one factor that is used to determine what you will pay for snow removal service. Typically, those seeking snow removal are looking for plowing services, but shoveling and snow blowing services are also an option. The size of the space that needs to be cleared will impact the cost, as well as how much snow needs to be removed and where you are located.

Those living in a colder climate or one that gets more annual snowfall may consider investing in a snow removal service contract for the entire season. This is often cheaper because people are charged one rate for the entire winter, regardless of whether it snows once or 20 times. If you live in an area with less snowfall, of course, a contract may be a waste of money.

Snow removal service: single-visit snow removal with plowing service 12” x 50” straight driveway and shoveling/blowing, charged on an individual basis with a one-hour minimum for hourly rates, taxes not included.

Service Cost
Snow removal (plowing) $65
Snow removal (shovel/blow walks, steps, etc. - 1 hour) $25
Total Cost $90

One-time services, taxes not included.

Service Cost Considerations
Plowing $25-$85/visit Usually one charge per visit; may also be charged per event/snowfall
Shoveling $20-$65/hour Hourly rates used for manual removal not included in full-service removal
Snow Blower/Thrower $25-$70/hour Hourly rates for manual removal
Roof Snow Removal $200-$400 Roof snow removal is a specialty service
Seasonal Snow Removal Contract $350-$400 For heavy snow areas, often includes unlimited visits or service calls

Other considerations and costs

  • Some snow removal services will charge by the inch, with an average cost of $30 per six inches of snow. This should be instead of an hourly or flat rate.
  • If you hire a snow removal service, they may include shoveling and or snow blowing in their pricing as a part of full-service snow removal. In this case, you wouldn’t need to pay extra for sidewalks or steps to be cleared.
  • Check to see exactly how the removal service charges before you agree to their estimate. Available options (which are all different, listed above) include per hour, per visit, per snow event, per inch, or per season for season-long contracts.

DIY considerations

  • Snow removal is something that anyone can do, provided that you have the right equipment and are in good enough shape. This is heavy labor, and many people are sent to the hospital with back injuries from shoveling every year, so it is important to be careful or hire pros to save the risk.
  • You can invest in a quality snow blower for about the same as you’d pay for a single season snow removal contract. If you’re willing to do the work yourself, this can save you a lot of money over a lifetime.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to hire a snow removal service in your city?
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Cost by city

(per hour)
  • New York, NY$145
  • Bronx, NY$119
  • Brooklyn, NY$99
  • Philadelphia, PA$124
  • Washington, DC$107
  • Atlanta, GA$97
  • Miami, FL$88
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$92
  • Minneapolis, MN$108
  • Chicago, IL$126
  • Houston, TX$130
  • San Antonio, TX$87
  • Austin, TX$99
  • Denver, CO$84
  • Phoenix, AZ$88
  • Las Vegas, NV$97
  • Los Angeles, CA$109
  • San Diego, CA$99
  • San Jose, CA$120
  • Seattle, WA$88

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: