How Much Does It Cost To Install Plumbing For A Kitchen Remodel?


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Plumbing For A Kitchen Remodel Costs

Professionals & Services Cost Guides      Plumbers      Plumbing For A Kitchen Remodel Costs

A kitchen remodel can be done without moving the plumbing, but you are almost always installing some new type of plumbing fixture when you are doing a kitchen upgrade. The cost of plumbing alone in your project will vary, depending on exactly what kind of work is being done and what type of fixtures or appliances you choose. Labor costs should always be factored in, as well, because plumbing is complex work and requires a licensed professional.

Plumbing fixtures and pipes also can’t just be thrown in the trash, so you will have to think about removal and disposal fees that may be involved with the plumbing of your kitchen renovation. In most projects, these costs are built-in or they are provided at no charge, but some contractors will charge for removal and disposal separately.

Plumbing for a kitchen remodel: 200 sq.ft.

Item Cost
Dishwasher $500-$800
Double sink or basin sink with faucet $450-$600
Refrigerator with built-in ice maker and water line $1,200-$1,800
Pipes/Plumbing $3-$10 per linear foot
Labor Cost: $60 per hour, with the average project requiring 8-16 hours of work $480-$920
Removal and Disposal Fees (not always charged) $250-$800
Total Cost $3,480-$6,980

Other considerations and costs

  • In the event that you do need to relocate fixtures, appliances, plumbing lines, or gas lines, you will need to purchase more materials and add additional labor costs for removing the old pipes or connections and installing new ones.
  • Some jobs may require permits, depending on their size or the type of work being done. A licensed local plumber should be familiar with permit requirements and costs, and many of them will even procure the permits and include them in their project costs for you.
  • If you are doing an entire kitchen remodel, ask your designer or contractor if they have recommendations. Often, when you are having a lot of work done, you can get discounts by working with someone that is recommended.
  • If you are installing a new gas range or oven, make sure that your plumber installs a new gas hose with the appliance. The plumber will be able to check the existing line to ensure that it is sound, but every new appliance should include new connections for safety and best operation.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • Plumbing work involves both water and gas lines in some kitchens and is very complex. It can even be dangerous. While you might be able to assist with some aspects of your kitchen remodel, plumbing is not one of them. You should always hire licensed, experienced plumbers for any work that you need to be done.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY and arborist Web sites.
How much does it cost to install plumbing for a kitchen remodel in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$8,401
  • Bronx, NY$6,904
  • Brooklyn, NY$5,754
  • Philadelphia, PA$7,178
  • Washington, DC$6,229
  • Atlanta, GA$5,635
  • Miami, FL$5,125
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$5,369
  • Minneapolis, MN$6,298
  • Chicago, IL$7,338
  • Houston, TX$7,569
  • San Antonio, TX$5,081
  • Austin, TX$5,753
  • Denver, CO$4,861
  • Phoenix, AZ$5,128
  • Las Vegas, NV$5,629
  • Los Angeles, CA$6,342
  • San Diego, CA$5,755
  • San Jose, CA$6,952
  • Seattle, WA$5,090

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: