How Much Does It Cost To Install An Indoor Swimming Pool ?


(12'x24' concrete base with vinyl liner)
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Indoor Pool Installation Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Swimming Pool Construction      Indoor Pool Installation Costs

Installing an indoor pool is a great way to enjoy swimming all year, regardless of the climate that you live in. It can even be ideal to have a climate-controlled pool area in areas that get extremely hot, where swimming outside may not be possible on certain days. By and large, installing an indoor pool is one of the most expensive options.

There are many factors that determine your indoor pool installation costs. The size of the pool and the material used are the biggest factors, as these affect how many man-hours of labor are required. You will also need to consider whether you have a structure in place yet (such as an enclosed sun-room or an oversized basement space, and if you will need any major construction beyond the pool installation. Pool sizes and shapes vary so much that it’s best to look at indoor pool installation costs by square foot pricing.

Indoor pool installation: by material, labor included in the material cost, 12’x14’.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Gunite and plaster $60 per sq.ft. 288 $17,280
Concrete base with vinyl liner $45 per sq.ft. 288 $12,960
Galvanized steel base with vinyl liner $37 per sq.ft. 288 $10,656
Aluminum base with vinyl liner $36 per sq.ft. 288 $10,368
Fiberglass $55 per sq.ft. 288 $15,840

Other considerations and costs

  • In addition to the pool itself, you will also need to install a surface around the pool (usually concrete or tile) and any coping or decking that is desired.
  • If you do not already have an indoor space for the pool, the cost of the structure will need to be added to your project.
  • An indoor pool also requires a dehumidification system that will protect the building from any moisture damage or buildup. This can cost half as much as the pool itself.
  • Smaller therapy pools are much less expensive to install and often come prefabricated so that assembly is quick and easy. If you are considering a pool for therapeutic uses, this may be the way to go.

DIY considerations

  • Pool installation is rarely a DIY project. Unless you buy a small kit or DIY above-ground pool at your local pool store, the job is best left to a professional. In the case of indoor pools, it is always better to let a certified installer do the work.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install an indoor swimming pool in your city?
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Cost by city

(12'x24' concrete base with vinyl liner)
  • New York, NY$20,819
  • Bronx, NY$17,107
  • Brooklyn, NY$14,258
  • Philadelphia, PA$17,787
  • Washington, DC$15,435
  • Atlanta, GA$13,965
  • Miami, FL$12,701
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$13,304
  • Minneapolis, MN$15,607
  • Chicago, IL$18,184
  • Houston, TX$18,756
  • San Antonio, TX$12,591
  • Austin, TX$14,256
  • Denver, CO$12,045
  • Phoenix, AZ$12,708
  • Las Vegas, NV$13,948
  • Los Angeles, CA$15,716
  • San Diego, CA$14,262
  • San Jose, CA$17,227
  • Seattle, WA$12,612

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: