How Much Does It Cost To Assembly Furniture?


(Varies by type of furniture)
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Furniture Assembly Costs

Indoor Cost Guides      Furniture Assembly & Installations      Furniture Assembly Costs

Many different types of furniture today are bought online or in the store and they come flat in boxes. This helps to save space in the warehouse where they are stored, but it also means that you will need to assemble the furniture once you get it home. While this means that many types of furniture can be sold for less, it also means that you will need to be able to put the furniture together when you get it.

Of course, there are many who do not have the tools or knowhow to do it and others who do not want to spend the time to put the furniture together. In those cases, hiring someone who can take care of the furniture assembly for them is the best option. When hiring a professional, it is important to make sure that they have experience with the type of furniture you need to have assembled. You do not want them stumbling through the instructions or damaging the furniture.

Furniture assembly: by type of furniture, the cost of the furniture piece is not included.

Item Cost
Dresser $75
Bed frame $80
Chair $20
Bookshelves $100
Desk $100
Coffee table $65
Entertainment center $150


Other considerations and costs

  • Different companies will have different rates for assembly, so you might want to shop around.
  • Most companies will charge by the piece rather than an hourly rate.
  • Make sure that the area where the furniture needs to be assembled is clear and try to keep the boxed furniture near where the area it will be placed.
  • Always check the pieces to make sure they are not broke and all of the hardware is included before calling someone to put it together.

DIY considerations

  • Furniture assembly is a good DIY project, and it tends to require minimal tools. The pieces of furniture will come with the instructions you need, and most will also come with the hardware.
  • It is important to follow the instructions carefully and to read them at least once before attempting to put anything together. In some cases, the instructions can be vague, so reading them and getting to understand them first is very helpful.
  • DIY for assembling furniture will save you a lot of money.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Websites.
How much does it cost to assembly furniture in your city?
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Cost by city

(Varies by type of furniture)
  • New York, NY$120
  • Bronx, NY$99
  • Brooklyn, NY$83
  • Philadelphia, PA$103
  • Washington, DC$89
  • Atlanta, GA$81
  • Miami, FL$74
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$77
  • Minneapolis, MN$90
  • Chicago, IL$105
  • Houston, TX$109
  • San Antonio, TX$73
  • Austin, TX$83
  • Denver, CO$70
  • Phoenix, AZ$74
  • Las Vegas, NV$81
  • Los Angeles, CA$91
  • San Diego, CA$83
  • San Jose, CA$100
  • Seattle, WA$73

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: